
ScienceDaily: Adult Stem/progenitor Cells Repair Of Damaged Brain, Pancreas, Kidney Cells Newly Understood

ScienceDaily: Adult Stem/progenitor Cells Repair Of Damaged Brain, Pancreas, Kidney Cells Newly Understood: "Dr. Prockop described two series of experiments. In the first studies, human stem/progenitor cells were injected into the hippocampal region of the brain in immunodeficient mice. The human stem/progenitor cells increased the growth and differentiation of stem cells normally found in the brains of mice and other animals. In the second studies, when human stem/progenitor cells were intravenously infused into mice that had been made to have a disease similar to human diabetes, the stem/progenitor cells traveled to and engrafted themselves in the pancreas. There, they increased the growth of the stem cells normally found in the pancreas, producing more islet cells, thus increasing the mice's production of insulin, and lowering blood sugar. With some tissue damage, the administered cells are able to do their repair activities in as little as a day and largely disappear."