
Computer Adaptive Test Prep - Practice Exams, Testing Software, Accurate Score Assessments

Computer Adaptive Test Prep - Practice Exams, Testing Software, Accurate Score Assessments: "

Welcome to CAT Prep Computer Adaptive Test Prep

...your resource for the computer adaptive exam software otherwise only available through full-service GRE® Test, GMAT® Exam, and Patent Bar Test Prep service providers.

Admission test instructors and tutors worldwide integrate our software into their curriculum to leverage the highly accurate score assessment features of our CATPrep Simulators. We are proud to also offer these same powerful tools to individual students through CATPrep.com. Now you can download and use these powerful study aids direct from the source.

This site is dedicated to computer administered exam resources with a focus on Computer Adaptive Test preparation software and services. CATPrep offers comprehensive practice exams through sophisticated testing software and strives to keep our customers informed of the latest changes to test format and content with timely news and mailings. Candidates preparing to sit for a Computer-Adaptive Test benefit from our simulation software's ability to accurately assess preparation levels. We provide realistic recreations of actual test environments and offer reliable score assessments for the GRE® Test, GMAT® Exam, and Patent Bar.

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