ScienceDirect - Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 1-55 (January 2005)
| Contents, Ed. Board + Forthc. articles Page i |
| Telomerase extends a helping hand to progenitor cells Pages 1-3 Sridaran Natesan |
| Breast cancer: integrating the patient with her genome Pages 3-5 Misha Angrist |
| Bacteria and phytoremediation: new uses for endophytic bacteria in plants Pages 6-8 Lee A. Newman, Charles M. Reynolds |
| Response to Newman: New uses of endophytic bacteria to improve phytoremediation Pages 8-9 Daniel van der Lelie, Tanja Barac, Safiyh Taghavi, Jaco Vangronsveld |
| Debating cell-synchronization methodologies: further points and alternative answers Pages 9-10 Shi V. Liu |
| Towards replacing closed with open target selection strategies Pages 11-16 Mariƫt J. van der Werf |
| Transgenes for tea? Pages 17-21 John Heritage |
| Biofibers from agricultural byproducts for industrial applications Pages 22-27 Narendra Reddy, Yiqi Yang |
| Metabolome analysis: the potential of in vivo labeling with stable isotopes for metabolite profiling Pages 28-33 Claudia Birkemeyer, Alexander Luedemann, Cornelia Wagner, Alexander Erban, Joachim Kopka |
| Biotechnology, the brain and the future Pages 34-41 Susan A. Greenfield |
| Harnessing HIV for therapy, basic research and biotechnology Pages 42-47 Maciej Wiznerowicz, Didier Trono |
| Genic microsatellite markers in plants: features and applications Pages 48-55 Rajeev K. Varshney, Andreas Graner, Mark E. Sorrells |