ScienceDirect - Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 26, Issue 7, Pages 345-400 (July 2008)
| Editorial Board Page i |
Research Focus
| The Moore's Law of microbiology – towards bacterial culture miniaturization with the micro-Petri chip Pages 345-347 Orit Gefen, Nathalie Q. Balaban |
| Mimicking the olfactory system for the classification of chemical data Pages 347-349 Eva M. Neuhaus, Hanns Hatt |
| Do biofuels from microalgae beat biofuels from terrestrial plants? Pages 349-350 Lucas Reijnders |
Letters Response
| Response to Reijnders: Do biofuels from microalgae beat biofuels from terrestrial plants? Pages 351-352 Yusuf Chisti |
| Regulating coexistence of GM and non-GM crops without jeopardizing economic incentives Pages 353-358 Matty Demont, Yann Devos |
| MicroRNAs as targets for engineering of CHO cell factories Pages 359-365 Dethardt Müller, Hermann Katinger, Johannes Grillari |
| Energy-based models for environmental biotechnology Pages 366-374 Jorge Rodríguez, Juan M. Lema, Robbert Kleerebezem |
| Biofuel alternatives to ethanol: pumping the microbial well Pages 375-381 J.L. Fortman, Swapnil Chhabra, Aindrila Mukhopadhyay, Howard Chou, Taek Soon Lee, Eric Steen, Jay D. Keasling |
| New materials for tissue engineering: towards greater control over the biological response Pages 382-392 Gail Chan, David J. Mooney |
| RNAi-mediated crop protection against insects Pages 393-400 Daniel R.G. Price, John A. Gatehouse |