ScienceDirect - Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 23, Issue 5, Pages 217-268 (May 2005)
| Contents, Ed. Board + Forthc. articles Page i |
| Intein-mediated protein trans-splicing and transgene containment in plastids Pages 217-220 Muhammad Sarwar Khan, Ahmad M. Khalid, Kauser A. Malik |
| Single base hits score a home run in wheat Pages 220-222 Clifford Weil |
| Genetically modified organisms and the EU Pages 222-224 Bernhard Jank, Johannes Rath, Armin Spök |
| Quenched probes for highly specific detection of cellular RNAs Pages 225-230 Adam P. Silverman, Eric T. Kool |
| Improving enzyme properties: when are closer mutations better? Pages 231-237 Krista L. Morley, Romas J. Kazlauskas |
| Breakthrough in chloroplast genetic engineering of agronomically important crops Pages 238-245 Henry Daniell, Shashi Kumar, Nathalie Dufourmantel |
| How prenatal diagnosis became acceptable in France Pages 246-249 Carine Vassy |
| Sensing the sea Pages 250-256 Silke Kröger, Robin J. Law |
| Photosynthetic proteins for technological applications Pages 257-263 Maria Teresa Giardi, Emanuela Pace |
| Transforming kelp into a marine bioreactor Pages 264-268 Song Qin, Peng Jiang, Chengkui Tseng |