ScienceDirect - Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 26, Issue 10, Pages 527-580 (October 2008)
| Editorial Board Page i |
Research Focus
| High-throughput screens for fluorescent dye discovery Pages 527-530 Vebjorn Ljosa, Anne E. Carpenter |
| Combating stress with flavodoxin: a promising route for crop improvement Pages 531-537 Matias D. Zurbriggen, Vanesa B. Tognetti, María F. Fillat, Mohammad-Reza Hajirezaei, Estela M. Valle, Néstor Carrillo |
| Genetic design: rising above the sequence Pages 538-544 Jonathan A. Goler, Brian W. Bramlett, Jean Peccoud |
| The influence of leptin on early life programming of obesity Pages 545-551 Claire J. Stocker, Michael A. Cawthorne |
| Does a targeting ligand influence nanoparticle tumor localization or uptake? Pages 552-558 Kathleen F. Pirollo, Esther H. Chang |
| Novel applications for microbial transglutaminase beyond food processing Pages 559-565 Yang Zhu, Johannes Tramper |
| Bioinspired enzyme encapsulation for biocatalysis Pages 566-572 Lorena Betancor, Heather R. Luckarift |
| How to cope with insect resistance to Bt toxins? Pages 573-579 Alejandra Bravo, Mario Soberón |