New DNA damage test could reduce animal experiments
A new tool for checking if drugs damage DNA could reduce the number of animal experiments needed in drug development, and also be cheaper than conventional techniques, according to its designer... Read
RNAi cancer therapies set for clinical testing
The race to put the first cancer therapy based on RNA interference (RNAi) technology into clinical trials has heated up with one developer claiming it is almost ready to go... Read
R&D outsourcing set to climb
Outsourced pharmaceutical R&D spending is set to increase at twice the expected rate of general R&D expenditure for the next five years, according to new research published this week. ... Read
New HIV tests look to speed up viral load analysis
Abbott Laboratories and Roche Diagnostics have both had HIV-1 tests approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that should allow clinical laboratories to deliver viral load results faster... Read
Drugs moving into the clinic: 14
The fourteenth in a series of periodic roundups of drugs that have moved from preclinical research into clinical testing via the announcement of a Phase I trial or an application for a trial to industry regulators... Read